The folks at Lehigh Hanson know a thing or two about cement and ready-mix concrete. So when they learned about JUNO XP and its ability to partially replace traditional cement in ready mix, they were curious. Would JUNO XP concrete be as workable as a traditional mix? Would it provide the same finish characteristics?
“We sponsored two separate field trials at our San Diego/Miramar plant,” he said, “one in November 2018 and another in May 2019.”
To maintain objectivity, he hired a third-party contractor that specialized in flatwork. The assignment: Compare and analyze how well the JUNO XP mix could close the surface.
Five mixes were put to the test and the contractor found that, even with a 20 percent reduction in traditional cement, the JUNO XP-enhanced concrete maintained excellent workability and was easy to finish. Additionally, the JUNO XP-enhanced concrete maintained important hardened properties necessary for any concrete construction application.
“Both results were promising, and we are continuing our discovery,” said Hill.
As he found out, JUNO XP is an advanced supplementary cementitious material (ASCM) that not only yields a workable concrete, but also reduces the cost without sacrificing performance.
Click here for more information on JUNO XP.