Fairmont Avenue defines the western border of the Talmage neighborhood in San Diego. It endures heavy traffic year after year. When public works officials looked at repaving a section of Fairmount Avenue that runs from El Cajon Boulevard to Home Avenue, they chose an asphalt mixture with a proven track record — PG 64-10 reinforced with ACE XP polymer fiber.

For the Fairmount project, SRM Materials mixed ACE XP 38mm in a single dose on site utilizing Surface Tech’s MD3 dosing equipment. Paving of the two-mile section required 23K metric tonnes of the asphalt mix in a 3-inch mill-and-fill project, which was completed in 10 days despite the need for control of heavy traffic.
Brandon Milar, CalAPA Technical Director, recently co-authored a white paper released by the City of San Diego Public Works Department detailing the history, research and advantages of including polymer fibers in asphalt mixes. The department is well versed on the crack-resistant benefits of ACE XP and how it can add years of life to roadways, thus reducing the cost of more frequent replacements. Public works officials plan to utilize the product throughout 2020 and beyond.