Asphalt Producers 101:
Using ACE XP & ARMI Polymer Fibers in Plant Production
Thurs. May 14, 2020 – 1pm CDT

This series of three webinars is exploring how performance testing can drive the future improvement of asphalt mix designs.
In this third and final webinar, Phil Blankenship of Blankenship Asphalt Tech & Training, will discuss advancements in mix design using ACE XP Polymer Fiber and ARMI Reflective Crack Interlayer products. Both of these innovative products help achieve a better balance between cracking and rutting.
The two-hour webinar will include plant set-up, equipment available from Surface Tech for plant blending of the Aramid fibers, plant training and certification, and how producers can make more money when utilizing these advanced technology products.
Lastly, Phil will walk you through the newest crack testing procedures for running IDEAL CT crack tests in the typical plant materials lab.
Time for Q&A is built into the two-hour webinar, and PDH credits are available for those attending.