Surface Tech’s ACE XP Polymer Fiber™ is providing a new lease on life for North Harbor Drive in San Diego. This main artery, between downtown and the city’s international airport, rarely sees a letup of traffic. When the recent shelter-in-place orders greatly reduced the vehicle count, public works officials took advantage of the lull to repave the roadway.
SRM Materials mixed PG 64-10 with a single dose of ACE XP 38mm over the two-week-long project. Surface Tech’s MD3 auto-dosing equipment provided an easy plant-site system for precisely feeding the polymer fibers into the mix, and its user-friendly computer-control ensures accurate tracking and daily reporting of the dosage.
Paving of the 3.3-mile section required a 28 ton-equivalent of the asphalt mix in the 3-inch mill-and-fill project. Since North Harbor Road is the first roadway people travel when visiting San Diego, the city wanted an overhaul that would last long and stay strong under constant traffic pressure. ACE XP Polymer Fibers™ provide a 3-dimensional reinforcement to each ton of mix, increasing the resistance to reflective cracking, rutting and fatigue and making the asphalt stronger and last longer.
A similar ACE XP asphalt mixture was utilized this spring to repave a busy road in the Talmage neighborhood of San Diego with excellent results. By adding ACE XP Polymer Fibers™, the city can expect many years of crack- and rut-resistant service, and plans are in the works to continue using the product on future roadway projects.
For more information on ACE XP Polymer Fibers™ and other Surface Tech products, contact us.